I was blown away this week while watching Hazel bravely recite a poem from memory during the Wendy Brook festival.
Standing in front of the gym full of classmates and strange adults looked terrifying, and I know for sure when I was in grade four (or any other age), there's no way I would have had the courage to do anything close.
It was a funny poem, well received, well memorized, and made me very proud as a father.
It reminded me that just about everything in life can be distilled down to courage.
The courage to introduce yourself.
The courage to wave first.
The courage to try a new route, food, or activity.
The courage to have a ‘crunchy conversation’ rather than letting problems fester.
Everything worth doing lives on the far side of courage,
and you will be proud of yourself when you reach the other side.
Now that’s a peak ethos

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